Hyderabad: Over the past month, Hyderabad traffic police seized 1,015 unauthorised sirens and 525 multi-tone horns which were crushed under a road roller along Tolichowki road on Tuesday, November 26. The action was part of a special drive, ‘ROPE (Removal of Obstructive Parking and Encroachments),’ aimed at addressing traffic congestion and improving road safety.
The commissioner of Hyderabad police, CV Anand emphasized that the ROPE drive would continue across Hyderabad with intensified efforts to remove encroachments and free up carriageways. He noted that unless footpaths are cleared and roads are free from obstruction, traffic congestion will persist.
CV Anand also pointed out that many roadside vendors were not local but from other states, encroaching upon public spaces with the support of local mafia elements and even leasing spaces outside shops for considerable sums.
The commissioner of Hyderabad police stressed the need for collaboration among citizens, politicians, and various departments to effectively address the city’s traffic woes. He further revealed that approximately 88 lakh vehicles are on the roads daily across the three commissionerates, making traffic management a collective effort.
He further urged drivers to be more mindful of parking.
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