Hyderabad: The city police, on Saturday, August 10, arrested a photographer for allegedly creating and spreading a derogatory video involving the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) mayor Gadwal Vijalakshmi and Telangana road transport minister Ponnam Prabhakar.
The accused, identified as 29-year-old Chamakuri Laxman is a resident of Peerzadiguda near Uppal.
According to the police, he morphed a video of the mayor and the state minister participating in a public function into an inappropriate and derogatory format and posted it on social media platforms, including X, Instagram, and Facebook.
Based on a complaint, the Hyderabad cybercrime arrested Laxman. They also seized a mobile phone and other incriminating materials. The materials have been sent to the forensic lab for further examination.
Meanwhile, Laxman was produced before the additional chief metropolitan magistrate (ACMM) and sent to judicial remand.
Any social media harassment or misinformation can be reported to the cybercrime police on cybercrime.gov.in or via the toll-free number 19.
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