Hyderabad: The Cyberabad Police Special Operations Team (SOT), Balanagar team along with Sanathnagar Police conducted a joint operation and arrested three persons Ampili Balaraju native of Srikakulam, AP, Madugula Sathish alias Satyababu and Bagari Nagesh, both residents of Hyderabad, who bought hashish oil from Narsipatnam of Andhra Pradesh and sold it to their customers in Hyderabad.
D Srinivas, DCP SOT, Medchal, said the accused purchased the hashish oil from Vandalam Nagarjuna, 21, of Chinthapally mandal, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The police seized two litres of hashish oil from them.
Amplili Balaraju was arrested in the NDPS Act case in Excise PS, Balanagar, Medchal Malkajgiri District and lodged in Central Prison Cherlapally in 2022. After being released from jail and again in February 2023, he along with other drug peddlers Budida Vishwanath and Mangali Rajesh were arrested in the NDPS Act at Kukatpally police station in Cyberabad.
After coming out of jail Balaraju did not mend his ways and again started trading in hashish oil.
“He obtained the mobile phone number and contacted him. He went to Narsimpatnam in AP and purchased the drugs. He was selling it to his customers Sathish and Bagari Nagesh,” said D Srinivas.
On information, the Cyberabad SOT and Balanagar police caught them at Fatehnagar flyover and seized hashish oil from them.
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